Functions and Graphs Files
Added 04.08.11
Looking at sin, cos and tan as angle in circle changes
Added 04.08.11
PowerPoint demo on how to draw graphs of the type 2x+3y=18
Added 02.08.11
PowerPoint with methodologies and examples
Added 05.08.11
Manipulate the Excel sheet to match a function. Creates new questions at click of a button
Added 02.08.11
Excel file that allows you to create and explore function machines
Added 05.08.11
Connect sentences, functions and function machines
Added 05.08.11
Sorting activity connecting functions, tables of values and function machine
Added 05.08.11
A matching cards activity connecting graphs with equations of straight lines
Added 08.08.11
Excel sheet for exploring the graphs
Added 05.08.11
Interpreting scatter, distance/time, bath filling graphs